ما هو الفرق بين مصباح السقف LED ومصباح اللوحة

ما هو الفرق بين مصباح السقف LED ومصباح اللوحة


LED ceiling lights and panel lights, as the most popular indoor lights, are always confused by Numerous individuals. But in fact, there are many differences between the above two products in appearance and practical use.


LED Ceiling lights come in various shapes: 

LED panel lights shapes are generally round or square: 


LED panel lights are mainly used in commercial places: such as offices, supermarkets, hospitals, etc., which save space and cost.

However, LED ceiling lights are mainly used in family bedrooms, living rooms and aisles, etc., which can make the environment more beautiful.


In reality, prices depend upon various factors like lumen, power and size, etc. If you need to know the specific price, you can contact us at the bottom of the page.


تعتمد مصابيح السقف LED وأضواء اللوحة LED كلا من LED كمصدر للضوء ، وكلاهما صديق للبيئة وفعال من حيث التكلفة. وكلاهما يستخدم كإضاءة داخلية.

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